Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekly News for May 19-23

In English, we read an inspirational book about Diego Rodgriguez, a famous Mexican painter specializing in murals. After discussing the technique, we took to the walls to create our own murals of things that happen here at school. The students had to work cooperatively to decide on a topic and then bring it to life. The final products were colorful representations of the way our class views our campus!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekly News for May 5-9

We are so proud of our students' performance at kindy assembly last week. They did so well and carried out their parts with enthusiasm! Many thanks to all of the parents who helped make props! We were also pleased to see the girls' beautiful ballet performance last weekend. Good job girls!

As we continue with our Unit of Inquiry, we will focus this week on the ways people express themselves through music, chants, and literature.

Show and Tell:
Monday: Gabriel
Tuesday: Gavriel
Wednesday: Sharon
Thursday: Jeiden
Friday: Nathan

May 9 and 23:     K3 transition days to grade 1, 10:00-10:55am
May 15:               Holiday, no school
May 22:               JS Closing Assembly, Gym 1
May 27:               Holiday, no school
May 29:               Holiday, no school
June 2:                 Pancasila day, wear batik
June 10:               K3 Celebration, all K3 parents and grandparents are invited to attend
June 12:               Last day of school for students

Bible Verse:
"I will praise you, oh Lord, with all of my heart; I will tell of all your wonders." Psalm 1:9

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly News for April 28-May 2

Last week, after reading about a spunky young pig named Olivia, we joined in her creative spirit and took to the playground for some splatter painting!


Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekly News for April 22-25

Here are some of our songs we will be singing in the assembly. Feel free to practice at home with your child in preparation for our performance!

Each of us is a flower
Growing in God's garden
Each of us is a flower
We need the sun and the rain

Each of us is a flower
Growing in God's garden
Each of us is a flower
We need the sun and the rain

Sun, shine your warmth on me
Moon, cool me with your night
Wind, bring the gentle rain
Earth, dig my roots down deep

Boys:                       Girls:
Each of us is a flower                Sun, shine your warmth on me
Growing in God's garden            Moon, cool me with your night
Each of us is a flower          Wind, bring the gentle rain
We need the sun and the rain        Earth, dig my roots down deep